Airwave is the most advanced spectrum research platform.

Built for anyone interacting with spectrum - from regulatory firms to operators.

Explore ownership with flexible filters and dynamic maps.
Run a complete spectrum screen in what-if acquisition scenarios.
Estimate the value of spectrum assets.

Explore Module

Airwave Company Search
"What AWS-4 spectrum does Dish own in New York?"

Airwave Company Search allows you to see what any company owns and leases. Apply filters across geography, frequency, and lease status to get instant metrics, heat maps, licenses, and charts showing holdings across bands.

We intelligently aggregate holdings across registered legal entities to provide detailed ownership and lease information. Our Explore module also enables you to analyze individual licenses, view specific bands like 2.5Ghz, and rank ownership across companies.

Airwave Band Plan
"What does the 700H band plan look like in Los Angeles county?"

Airwave enables you to see the band plan for any frequency for any county in the US & Territories. The band plan shows block-level ownership and lease status along with licensed pop, duplex mode, link type, market code and overlapping 3GPP NR bands.

The band plan is the easiest way to visualize spectrum ownership in a county. If a block is unallocated by the FCC, we still show the block with a designation. For more esoteric bands like 2.5Ghz we show all owners, as opposed to winner-take-all representations. Airwave Band Plan seamlessly integrates with the rest of the platform.

Screen Module

Airwave Screen
"What would a spectrum screen look like if T-Mobile acquired USCellular's spectrum?"

Airwave Screen helps you simulate what if scenarios for spectrum acquisitions. We instantly provide maps and metrics at both the national and county level on the sub 1Ghz, low+mid, and millimeter screens.

Understand what counties would require an enhanced FCC screen, what bands are causing the screen to fail, and what CMA's the screen is failing in. You can narrow the acquisition target down to the block level for precise scenerio analysis.

Valuation Module

Airwave Valuation
"What is the price of AWS spectrum?"

The Valuation module utilizes data from 37 auctions and 30 secondary transactions. It can determine the cost basis of licenses, estimate the CAGR for secondary transactions, and make market-adjusted price assessments. We also flag rules and regulations that can impact band pricing, including license periods, buildout rules, and out-of-band and spurious emission rules.

Valuation profiles allow you to assign prices to bands and blocks for valuing a bucket of licenses.

A complete platform

Airwave was built to be an all-in-one platform for spectrum research.

Powerful maps. Select any FCC boundary for map visualizations. Click on any location to narrow down your search.
Full spectrum coverage.
  • 600 Mhz
  • 700 Mhz
  • 800 Mhz
  • AWS
  • AWS-2
  • AWS-3
  • AWS-4
  • PCS
  • WCS
  • CBRS
  • C-Band
  • 24Ghz
  • 28Ghz
  • 37/39Ghz
  • 47Ghz
  • ...and more
Web-based platform. Access Airwave from any device with a modern web browser. No installation required.
Full geographic coverage for US & Territories. We cover all 50 states, DC, and territories.
Always up-to-date. Our data is always up-to-date with the FCC’s database. We update our data every day.
Exports and modern REST API. Export data to Excel or GeoJSON files. For technical teams, we offer a modern REST API for programmatic access to data.

Insights at your fingertips.

Stop wrestling with gigabyte excel spreadsheets and outdated dashboards. Start finding answers with Airwave.